Hey guys :) I realized I have not updated you on the progress of the game a lot lately.
We mostly continued testing the 2-player setup. Only minor tweakings were implemented since the last blog update so I did not post anything about it.
I continued playing with the same few players just to have a group of experienced players and see how deep the strategies can get - but also see how balanced the different "factions" are. We have around 30 games played so far. I will soon begin opened and blind sessions with strangers. If you want to be part of the groups, please let me know!
Here are the last 10 scores :
100 - 83
124 - 72
104 - 73
119 - 91 - 65 (low score : I tried a new strategy...)
147 - 144 - 58 - 55 (the 2 most experienced players and two new players)
156 - 135
106 - 71 - 64 (two new players)
116 - 102
105 - 88
106 - 89
I am very happy with where the game is right now. There will still be changes and balancing, but at least the latest results proved that the different "factions" are now pretty well balanced and the scores are tight. If I remove the 5th game, the average points are : 91, 102, 97, 101.
There is a clear learning curve (1-2 games) for newcomers. I don't see it negatively. My game is not meant to be light. Mistakes were made during these games, and players seem aware of them.
My friend Alexandre and I reached very high scores. These games were very intense and satisfying !

I am looking forward for the blind testings now :)